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Sep 2016
I draw a stark contrast with my parents...
Though I am more similar to my dad now,
I was closer to my mother when I was a kid..
Both are traditional and strict vegetarians,
I am a strict omnivorous who'd eat meat.

I have stark contrast with my siblings too...
I exist actually but they don't even virtually,
They do not exist and I am just so very lonely..
I can only always just miss them so very much,
They are only so hypothetical like the happy me.

But I do draw some parallels with few friends...
Even they are lonely now after finally growing up,
My friend Madhur has had a really sweet singing voice..
That's how we are best friends for the remainder of our lives,
He only lacks practice as there is a weird husk to his voice now.

We rocked together, me & Madhur, surely...
They, our parents, say we would keep jamming,
Till the middle of the night would descend on both..
That's how we composed some songs rocking together,
We both lack practice as my playing hand is incapable now.

My body is 42% physically challenged, sadly...
But I have my limbs intact with the injured brain,
I am posed with allegations of me always faking it..
So yes, I will confess today, yes I can only fake it now,
But what do I fake? The smiles and the happiness I mean.
The only resentment is that we grew up.

Don't be mean with me.

My HP Poem #1122
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
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