My name is Rook, Lord of the Greenwood. Protector of the Forest, Shepherd of the Trees. The Maiden of the Glades, my Lady Leaf speaks the truth with everything she sees.
I mourn the loss of spinneys and copse. I grieve at the death of my beautiful Trees. Lady Leaf cools me, soothes my torrid ire and speaks truth with everything she sees.
The truth she speaks, are the words of Nature. Making me weep, as she brings sun to the day. Waking my slumbering world, arousing the Green so deer can graze, birds can sing and We can play.
The truth she speaks, the words 'I love you' burn into my breaking heart, and I feel relief. I see the forest anew, my Trees come to life. Teaming into me, thank you my sweet Lady Leaf.