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Jul 2016
melancholy sits on the pavement,
on a cold autumn day.
enjoying the music of a thunderstorm,
dreaming about the winter yet to come,
become grey.
submerged to the tunes of a dark morning that is seeding,
beyond what any words can convey or design.
watching the elements of the sky growing and leaving,
how silently this picturesque nothing
captures the lonely corners of my mind.

have you ever seen a mountain break down in fear ?

let us pretend that we are all meant to suffer for choosing who we are,
and what we become, isn't that just the product of our scars ?
let's talk ourselves into buying new clothes and shiny blingy machines,
bright and cold screens to hide the ugly definition of this world,
or let us find a book that will repay us our words worth;
tears pouring over and wetting the beautiful pages of a magazine,
our eyes gazing at the beautiful bodies and rich flavours,
ignoring the red rose shining happily in the sun's gaze just outside by the road,
how many times have you felt the touch of something sharp..
and felt the need of cutting your throat ?
as always my mind means no harm, but it keeps buzzing with a thousand thoughts;
I know I'm decaying thanks to science, but I'm awaiting my conscience to rot.

I want to be free,
I want to ****.

the stark darkness in loneliness feeds on the forgotten whispers yet to concede a child, a labour of filth, of guilt, and all the things in between.

It's so dangerous to be human sometimes.

human ?

I've forgotten what they mean by it.

I'm so delusional.

Somebody throw me under the bus.



I make no sense.

Why am I supposed to be so random ?

Is it pointless to be crazy ?

don't ask me, don't look at me.
I'm so ugly.
You're so pretty.
an angle to my stranger.
stronger than my anger.
As I strangle,
my words once more.

Did you hear me ?
Yeah, I've lost it
Written by
aviisevil  28/M/india
   Chloe Chapman
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