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Jun 2016
My love your beauty bursts from your dress
From fairies land you are like charming bless
From the heart of my heart I have to confess
Like golden glow your streaks to luminesce

Your charms and style make you the princess
Your emotions and sentiments make incandesce
You are the only one with qualities you possess
My love you are mine this is what is my success

Burn me with your heat by being on love seat
From my Lord you are just a wonderful treat
You surpass my soul to become my heartbeat
I am a lover poet you my beloved a blank sheet

Now I need your company for peace and solace
Allow me to kiss you and to be part of your grace
Let explore your beauty pace to pace, place to place
Allow me to take you in arms and let me embrace

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Written by
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan  Abbottabad Pakistan
(Abbottabad Pakistan)   
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