We're all prisoners serving between five and seven years some escape and find themselves somewhere else some stay and accept the crime of being born in the 21st century where it is illegal to be out of education so we are sentenced if we go and our parents are if we don't during your time you will be force fed Maths, English and Science - the stuff you really hate and never want to go near but what some wierd person really likes for some reason. If you're lucky you may be rewarded allowing you to play sport or something else you enjoy. If you're not, you have extra time where any such luxeries are stripped and you will be forced to sit in silence so you will learn from your mistakes. If you're rich you can wake up later and pay for longer breaks whilst servings your time. some will leave having learned nothing and will find themselves back for more time but some will learn and graduate into society never to return. To the place that kept them for many years.
I really don't know how the legal system works but I think I got the point across.