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Jun 2016
I am a girl of solitude
My thoughts
Are simple tales
Of confusion
Will my words always be
Darkening coals
Instead of leaping flames?

I am neither free or in prison
Without light
I still long to speak
Seeking danger
While pleading for rescue
Seems to be my futile attempt

Abandoning hope,
A cry of anguish
Escapes my mouth
It quickly closes
I can speak?

I try once again,
But this time
I sing  
The words are nothing
But it's pure tone
is everything to me

I can speak.
As I sing
The muddle
Spills out
Like water
Tumbling over stones
It rushes to leave
As light pours in.

As the last drops
Of darkness
Trickles out
I wonder,
Has sunlight
Always been this bright?

My mind and eyes
Must have been
Simply asleep.
Emily R
Written by
Emily R
   Lauren Ehrler
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