Flicking through photos online Of nights out I wish I were invited to The cameras flash and all turn and look
Putting on their best smile All dressed up for this social competition Faces under make-up almost beyond recognition
I am jealous Oh look, there is my best friend Who never seems to talk to me Who never sleeps alone
Who feeds me advice From websites he thinks I haven't already read
Yes I know what Dr. Whatshisface said Yes I know it will pass Yes I know that it's all in my ******* head
And I may be bitter and lonely and angry I may be often inclined to whine and to moan But what sane person enjoying their own time Needs so many ******* pictures to prove it?
Oh look there is everyone I ever loved Oh look there is everyone who never cared Far away on the other side of the country Not wanting to know me
Their smiles taunt The arm around the shoulder The fake friendly satisfaction (I hope) The vainly sought interaction
I am jealous And I realise How tedious are their ordeals
Their false social conventions I hate every single one of these Disgusting self satisfied short sighted
Pretentious people But I will always long insatiably For their attention