Time and time again I have created characters storywise Moved every pawn and remained impervious Royals and peasants alike Gave them happiness or sadness But who owned my story?
When the chill of the night silenced churpy crickets And the moon waned its light I climbed a somber shiplet And travelled realms in search for a magic quill
A moment in life I had written a story 40 minutes changed a lifetime Little did I know it was my own story That put me on a risky course To ward off my woes
Battling the monster sea creatures Hanging on prophetic scriptures Every choice was ever so treacherous
All for an enchanted pen To undo the pain Rewrite the losers so they can win And a low life may be queen
A journey through different worlds Marred by dangers of all kinds Unveiled treasures hidden in dark secret places, but no magic quill
One of the treasures was understanding Understanding that I am the formidable villain in my stories But also the greatest hero revered in the scripts
and when the red sun sets in the west And morning stars come out at dawn I have the power to change the tune of my life I am the enchanted quill