The wages of sin is nothing but death, And from Adam's fall this became our fate. God's son was given in man's stead, As a ransom to redeem us from hell's gate.
Love for my kind led Christ to Calvary, Our sins nailed Him to the old rugged cross; Who was entombed in that sanctuary, Where His resurrection became death's loss.
Yet amongst men are some in dubiety, Living in constant doubt like Thomas of old; Who believed in Christ the risen Deity, After touching His nail pierced hand as told.
But blessed is that man who will believe Without beholding those nail pierced wounds; The same for eternity shall surely live On that fateful day when the trumpet sounds.
To escape eternal death and damnation, Those nail pierced hands till date still beckon; "My Father wished none condemnation, But that you believe and be saved this second."
His Nail Scarred Hands...What do they evoke within you?