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May 2016

No matter what it is I see
If I really want to be free
I've got to remember
It's all about me

It's all about me,
It's nothing you do
it's all about me
I'm telling you who
It's not about you

I used to think it was all about you
The things you would say and do
Now I know it’s all about me
And not about you

If my sky is grey
Or if my sky is blue
My sky's about me
And not about you

Sean Hunt   2011
Other people do not cause our suffering and our problems, it comes from our own minds.  This is very good news because we have complete freedom and responsibility.  The belief that others ARE the causes of our happiness, unhappiness is actually the most painful mistake we make.  It took me many years to learn this truth.
Sean Hunt
Written by
Sean Hunt  Windermere, Cumbria
(Windermere, Cumbria)   
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