Ms. Yin, meets Mr. Yang Heaven and hell, it's a bang I can hear the angels' sweet voices But tempting is the devil's whispers To whom shall I pray, to blow the tedious night away? To whom shall I listen, to see the far glisten?
The angel promised a paradise, told me to be kind and take each sacrifice The sinister said, like the sun I will arise, power and might, but you know the price
I admit, sometimes I'm losing hope wanted to confess and talk to the pope But then, an ill voice spoke told me to get a rope or a dope When I want an easy way out, I listen to the ill voice, even in doubt When my angel seems to abandon me, In the darkness I flee
Is it immoral to stick to the dark side, when fading is your guiding light? Is it wrong to cling to the dark side, when you find comfort in it and just want to hide?