Lake flies lighting reflective glass Olive eyes focused on the blue earth Training the purple wild flower fields - of western Chattahoochee river country Whirling , advancing , rock patterned shoals , river dancer hideaways , painted turtle middles Mud cats , rock bass and sundry panfish skim - the shallows harnessed in Georgia granite , indigenous red , white clay banks , clear running waters and every colored flower imaginable Dandelion seedlings and dragonflies hurry downstream , lit by the afternoon Lamp of the Almighty Pipers of every pitch occupy every inch of the surrounding heavens with emotional song Ever watchful Crows burst into joyful laughter with each Smallmouth topwater explosion Herons work the rock island summits , Blue Jays station the crags as the pace quickens to the Gulf , curious livestock command the bluffs South as cascading waters grow ...
Copyright April 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved