She finishes writing the test Thankful her anxious brain can rest
But the test isn't actually done, As students discuss the answers to number one.
They compare solutions, go over the questions they found tough, The girl wishes she could plug her ears, But the students haven't had enough.
As they talk they realize they got some wrong, But take it lightly in stride, They do not know that if the girl joined in, it'd crush her soul and pride.
Because it starts the criticism rolling, Bashes her left and right, "How could you get such an easy question wrong? You're anything but bright"
"Try harder next time, come on, I'm sure you can do better. You need to do well, idiot, A is the golden letter"
Others wonder why she doesn't join in On the post-test debates, If only they knew the anxiety and sadness it brought her, Her mind, how it self-berates.
The girl is working to quiet the noise, To silence the negative notions, But until then don't discuss too much in her presence, Step by step, she's setting positivity in motion.