I can't get away from him today, no matter how hard I try. Everywhere I go, he seems to be in the same place. I go to a different area, and he suddenly appears. I wish I was just imagining it, but he's really there. As in; the hall, the library, the cafeteria, I can't escape him. It seems like I can't feel better, without him appearing again. I hate not wanting to see him, but it just hurts too much. When I look at him, I don't see the same guy I loved. All I see is someone who hurt, used, and betrayed my trust. I wish I could stop worrying about him, but I can't. And seeing him just makes me feel worse about everything. All I know is, it's hard trying to forget about him. Because I can't pretend that he's not here. I keep seeing him everywhere.
Today has been a hard day, and it's not even noon yet :(