Senior year is about telling everyone what you will do after you graduate and go off into the real world. The real world is about i’m not really sure but i think i have to start paying taxes. Paying taxes is about paying your dues in the place you live, which might be called your home. Home is about the place you feel most comfortable. Comfortable isn’t about growing. Comfortable is about the deep breathe you take after getting good news. Good news is about the funny youtube videos that your’ chronically optimistic friend tags you in on Facebook. Facebook is about having a place to post the things you hope other will people care about in your life. Life is about trying to love more than you hate. Hate is about a bad taste in your mouth and tears running down yours cheeks. Hate is about breaking dishes for no reason. Love is about washing dishes for no reason. Love is about a fluttering butterfly that could have left but chooses to stay. Staying is about not leaving. Leaving is about change. Change is about going to your favorite restaurant and ordering something different. Change is about your heart beating twice as fast. Change is about a pursuit of happiness. Happiness is about laughing when you least expect to.