Slowly but surely, the earth is dying Landslides and earthquakes Tsunamis and hurricanes Summer heat all year round Like a mid-summer nightmare
Yet Those are not the real killers Bomblasts and homicides Crimes of color, religion A life for more lives Alive to take more lives Not one day gone without an unnecessary death
Slowly but surely, the earth is dead Buried in the same hope that was meant to save us Religion and it's diversities; Science and it's ideologies More harm than good And knowledge is the ****** weapon Now we are bristling at the seams of the end Weaving as if we didn't know, our very demise Deeply obsessed with such sad irony The saved don't want to be saved They want to go to heaven But for the unbeliever, anything goes Let nature take its cause Indeed, we are nature's beings, but We have overwhelmed it With our incessant addiction to hope Never believe the news It's much worse than it looks But not all is lost; the red could save us all Join the movement Mayday Mars