Sometimes I don’t want to think About the time you lost your shoes And they flew in the air, the wind Catching them and carrying them Far away onto the road, The way your socks soaked On the wet pavement, you hair Unruly and wielding sublime turbulence I don’t want to dare recall The stunning life sparked in the hearth Of your eyes, there was so much flame I think it could have lit the entire sky, And with each swing of your head Fire wood stashed blazed inside your head Drinking in the present scenery At the way the world seemed to be Singing to you again, And I’ll watch from afar, for I have run In the opposite direction, If too close, lightening will frighten And bruise the sublime pearl of sky, I’ll replace the succulent, gentle wind As the heat which your head used to Lay in my broken heap, perhaps Far apart, we can coexist Without ripping each other apart