These days all I got is just me and my idols They give motivation so I don't fall idle. My words are a promise so I try not to speak Never been known to live tongue in cheek
I wanna cry out but I don't wanna cry I'm alone with myself, yeah so am I You know I'm not weak, but don't think im strong Surprise surprise, it's been a mask all along
Don't wanna do this life much more, i'm tapped. Could make a whole new planet from all this crap. People often like me and I don't know why I've always been a loner, always saying goodbye.
Guess I'm stuck in old habits With a blade to my wrist The angels on my shoulder saying "Don't do this."
"I know you're right", I throw the blade. Can you get a soul back If the Devil's paid?
What's it take to get to Hell Then get the **** back out?
What if I redeemed a soul Can anyone escape a black hole?
This is a really old poem I'd written- the blades and wrists thing is no longer a thing.