He watched as she spoke Her gentle lips moving seductively The scent of her perfume haunting him, inside and out Confusion in placement of words
He could find no explanation for himself No excuses No reasons He was mesmerized, flooded with infatuation
The desires he had would haunt him again At night… During the day… Her dark brown eyes blink right back at him Her smiles, enthusiastic with charm
*I saw you smiling, beautifully engulfed with happiness. If I were to list the things I love about you, I could never be done with it. I saw you blush at the words I say, and I wish I could tell you them every day. Light touches on your face to feel your cheeks, firm hugs connecting body heat. Even if it was just for a second, I had you close to me.
And then you pull away To go back to reality Back to the reality we both will ever be facing The reality in which You are not with me But him.