As a child I wasn't really afraid of the dark, There weren't really monsters in my closet and the feeling of checking under my bed was never something that I had to fear, But as I grew older, I learned that the monster was always in a far away place, I learned in school that monsters didn't really exist and there was nothing I should have to fear, I grew up in a Christian home Learning that in some way I needed to be saved and I accepted that protection Learning that living in hell for eternity was worth being saved from But in my innocence I forgot about the monsters that live here As planes are crashed into buildings And snipers in cars Inciting terror upon innocence As a child in a free nation is oblivious to the fact that there is something to truly be afraid of Something that's hidden The cracks in the glass of this facade only seem to spider across the dark crevices of my brain wishing to... Wishing to be free Clawing their way up my throat Asking for forgiveness instead of permission Wishing to let go of their bonds because the only thing that's keeping them there is the thought that they could be kept at bay Brittle chains with keys in the locks and the only thing that stops them from being set free is us I've been told the eyes are the window to the soul That if you look closely you can see their thoughts and desires And demons And as it turns out I'm blind to the fact that when I try to look in the mirror That monsters won't chase me in my sleep and claw away at my soul
That no one is in control of the monsters The monsters are in control of me.
Humanities greatest lie is that we can save our selves. The monsters won't be free because we won't let them take control until they do And this great deception has conceived this monstrosity that nobody has seen because everyone is afraid to look inside ourselves to see how awful the wound really is We can't see our own glass houses caving in The monstrosities of this world are our own creation With homicidal tendencies and a Picasso like disposition Spraying our own blood upon this ripped apart canvas and calling it art
As a child I was told monsters didn't exist That, the monsters were in a far away place They couldn't attack me in my sleep and that there was nothing to fear in this world I just didn't realize it was all in my head.
As children we are afraid of the monsters under our bed Asking our parents to look under neath them for us so that they can prove that it's just our imagination, "There's nothing to be afraid of" they tell me Running to the parents room in the middle of the night to ask to stay with them because we don't grasp the reason why we are scared to begin with. I wonder if nightmares are from the monsters trying to be free Breaking out of their shackles of our parents lies telling us that monsters don't exist, That there's nothing you have to fear because the monsters can't touch you. And you as an innocent young child convince yourself that they only tell you facts because you can't comprehend that, It's all in your head, The greatest lie that the devil ever told was that he didn't exist, The second is that there are no monsters, Lying to ourselves cause we are the monsters And they lie to us so we put them off as non existent It was all... in my head.
I'm gonna ask you to look in my eyes, I wonder, I wonder if you can see mine
This was inspired by a few things. When I decided to write it the attacks on Friday November 13 occurred, I had just finished reading Frankenstien for school and I was trying to break out if writers block. This was the result. Hope you enjoy. Copy right belongs to Zack Gilbert