I sent my soul to walking down barren wastes of land housing nothing but garbage rats and all the worst kinds of people where conversation was bleak and simple and hopeless dreams were last week's lottery tickets, scattered and forgotten in the ditches along empty bottles
So I sent my soul to diving lower than light cares to go so low that thoughts weigh tons and past plans sink into canyons forever lost in cold chambers where ***** and eels munch on ancient bones from a world away never knowing of the sun above them
So I sent my soul to flying dodging lightning, seeking craving and reaching but the outskirts of heaven desperate for love, but finding only hostile bodies hurled down paths with no beginning and no care for earthly truths and happy endings holy indifferent to joy and pain
So I sent my soul to writing to wallow in the mud and shame to sift among the shadows for a song or simply a voice alone to sing and weep along with me never to see the dawn, a few scratches on a page and nothing more a single soul sent wandering far