The sun’s light drips off of my body like bright water Liquid essence falling to the grounds by my sneakers and bathes the pavement. I’m at a burn in heart. The life drains from me slowly like needles in veins, but it’s not a medical extraction. I can feel something rising in me that isn’t being elevated. I feel the fear of change but the excitement of anger. I feel hate. Who do I hate? None, but I somehow still feel it. Empty words with a full mind, blunt remarks with a sharp intent. A passive aggression beyond comprehension. I feel her hands on my cheeks as we kissed before she left. I could feel her love as she says she loves me, but I feel I’ve given her too many chances, I feel I’m in a situation of double jeopardy. So I let her go. And I haven’t bounced back. Now I miss my honeybee, but she can’t know the emotion dedicated to her or the power she unknowingly has on me. She can bring me to the ground in a matter of seconds, and yet, she stays to play with pityness and pride stings as she flaunts her new lovers. And so I melt like metals in a furnace. They say a man isn’t supposed to cry, they say he has to be as strong as steel. But I do cry, and when I do My hard tears drip off of my cheeks like Dripping silver
So after the ENTIRE school break and ENTIRE time without my original school tablet, I have finally had the time to put this on, so here it is, avenge lol Oh, and just as a PS, Christy, this isn't about you, baby girl