I want to stop; To never do it again. I've wanted that before, But I could never make it, The threat, couldn't shake it. This time, I have to do it, Then, it'll be no more. Six times that has happened, But there was never any change. So what's different this time? Each time I was desperate, I hate how that feels. But never hated it enough To stop what I was doing. I can't look at myself; I can't live with it anymore. I'm tired of the hate, I'm tired of the shame. Maybe that's what makes This time so different. All the hate has piled up, A ticking bomb, And if it explodes, then I'm gone. I don't want that, so I Decide to try again, To lie awake and wait for morning And see what may come With the breaking of dawn. If it is the breaking of me, Then so be it, But I will be real. Real and broken, But forever rid of the Mask and the nightmares That it brought.