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Karen Hamilton
Nov 2015
Sweet Dreams (#2 of a 2 part poem)
An adventure is what we hoped for,
A good story, a tale for life
But it pains me to say the ending
Wasn't the one we had in mind
We found you in the Blue Mountains,
Sleeping in a place named 'Sweet Dreams'.
So, sweet dreams are what I send to you;
Sweetest dreams for eternity
I won't lie my heart is aching
But Gary you have done us proud,
Proud of everything you've achieved;
Gary, you stood out from the crowd
I'll never forget your charisma,
Your kind heart, your love of life
I'll never forget your dancing,
Showing the pros how to style it right!!
I'll never forget the way you
Told your really terrible jokes,
A massive ball of energy;
I've not met a friendlier bloke
Gary we're going to miss you...
'Miss you' doesn't even come close
To the way we feel without you
It's the good ones you miss the most
So Gary you keep on dancing,
You keep on dancing way up high
And if we're ever feeling lonely
We'll know to look up to the sky
The star that shines the brightest,
Almost mistaken for the moon...
We'll know it's you up there young Gaz
Shining bright on all those you knew.
© Karen L Hamilton, 2013
To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. -- Thomas Campbell
Written in Sep 2013 after 7 long weeks of the largest search to date in the Blue Mountains, Australia. RIP sweet Gary. X
Read at Garys funeral this is Part 2 of 2 - see part 1 of 2 'hope'
Written by
Karen Hamilton
Pradip Chattopadhyay
Derek Devereaux Smith
Cecil Miller
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