Silly words like daughter and laughter. Why isn’t dotter and lafter? Both, moth and mother are confusing. It all depends on the way you are using Those mad silly words in our tongue More bizarre than between and among. And, of course there are the oughts And ought nots of enough and thought. Shouldn’t one sound per word be Far less typographical insanity? I mean someone wound a bandage Around a wound on an appendage.
It’s just plain silliness of a high order. You fix food for a boarder, not a border. You can fish for fish, not sheep for sheep. And, you can’t daydream if you are asleep. There’s a rhyme about a wood chucking wood But he only seems to do it if he would. A dog can bark at a cat on a roof, Which can be said either like root or woof. In Britain anyone can go pound on a pound In America, ground coffee can be on the ground. And driving a car now your own can be fined. But finding a free auto is something of a find. It makes very difficult to tease other tongues. Not even if you shout at the top of your longues.
Lately we changed things like light and nite But, not white, night, knight or blight. We changed you to one letter, a simple ‘u’. Now, tell me please, was that so hard to dew? Oh, wait. I mean due. No, I meant do all along. The way English is, it’s not hard to do it wrong. Is it its or is it it’s? It’s dependent upon. What kind of sentence you have going on. For example if you have an itch on your **** It’s on your ****, but I’ tell you what. It’s itch is its own, and needs no apostrophe. Just one more view how silly things can be. So, until later, when things get better We had better do it rite to the letter. Oh, wait, that’s wright. No write, no right. See, I got it rite before the end of the nite.