The suburbs are growing all over the wilderness I used to watch pass by from the passener side The glimmering dream of a generation reborn in the new frontier of romanticized pop culture The suburbs weren't made to live in They were built to sing of and pine over like some lover changed with age So in this new age As the generation who swore to destroy them but now idly builds them back up again We will stand tall in our lyrics Dreaming of late night rides and sneaking out of our parents home To distract ourselves to conceal the fact that we are all inherently alone And I In my young blood and bravado Will put another brick into the walls.
So over the years I've watched this beautiful field by the interstate fill up with houses and just now as I'm graduating highschool is the suburb being finished. I was thinking about how the suburbs have sort of taken on this higher meaning through our current pop culture and how humans tend to romanticize everything and this is about that. I'm just as guilty as anyone.