Foaming sunlight makes love with the tender purple leaves of mango trees, light crafts a crust of luminescence, over the profusion of yellow and blue blooms, avenue trees vie with each other to hold forth their flowers on sun's water fall of light to bath.
Evening doesn't show any sign of waning the ebullience the day had sowed in the world, "ANANDA" though unspoken as a word, aloud is heard by inner being, making everyone rejoice, living and nonliving seamlessly join in, and swim in the swelling waters of force of life. past invisible floats gently to the present flows towards a sea of tranquility crossing nights.
*According to Vedas, the ancient texts of India, "Ananda"(Happiness) is the true state of humanity.Pain and suffering is due to habits developed over time by mind."Satchitananda"(Eternalconsciousness bliss) is the experience of the absolute or "cosmic consciousness".