I'm hard to handle; like a shot of ***** I burn on the way down and only some will come back for seconds – because my kindness does not make me easier to swallow. I'm an acquired taste for a specific breed. No one can take me in large doses, a teaspoon a day goes a long way. Alcohol never came with a recommended serving size. I'm a glass of water in disguise – so please, drink slowly.
Everyone seems to think I'm nice, but if you're my friend you'll know I'm quite the oxymoron. Many of my friends know this about me, if you have not experienced this from me often, we are mere acquaintances and that is okay. Because I'd rather be a good acquaintance than use to be friends who ended on a hard note because our personalities clashed. But maybe that's just from psychology knowledge I picked up in school. I'm just tired when people try their hardest to befriend me when I can already tell our personalities are going to explode and it's not going to end well