I sometimes would wake up to an,
"I miss you text",
You'd say you love me aloud,
I wouldn't cry as much,
I wouldn't feel empty,
I wouldn't have to ask for you to tell me the truth,
You'd be happy when you see me,
You'd hug me and give a kiss,
Passionate kisses,
Meaningful kisses,
Not kisses that made me feel irrelant,
You would smile,
You'd touch me sometimes,
You would make me feel good,
You'd appreciate my body,
Maybe kiss me on the cheek while I slept,
My forehead or lips,
If you really loved me,
I would feel the love,
I'd believe I made you happy,
And that I was the one,
If you really loved me,
It would not have ever felt like this.
If you really loved me,
Why is it that with you,
All I felt was
There is love and there is filling empty holes. I wish I knew before, the truth of my meaning.