Walking down Memory Lane Living forgotten dreams again; Seeing the faces and colors Of friends, family and brothers.
Some of them good dreams Of sunny days and pastures And some were scary times With fear in too large measures. Many times the details there Are cloudy and too indistinct. Maybe they aren’t as important As I may once have liked to think.
There are friends there, too In the lane of remembering And lovers and co-workers That don’t deserve forgetting But there are so many there In any person’s lengthy time. If Memory Lane were a hill It would be a long hard climb.
There are playgrounds and parks In the vistas of Memory Lane. Some of them better forgotten And some I want to see again. I want to swing on that swing And feel I am flying so very high That I can let go and reach out And actually touch the very sky.
And there lakes and flowers On this journey through memory. There were tasty walnuts and Lovely pines and old hickories. There were puppies I love so And kittens and some horses. So much better to remember Than breakups, fights, divorces.
I am always so pleased when I get to come back here again. Rewarded for a lifetime of love And walks down Memory Lane.