Here I sit in this big blue chair where thousands have sat before. stories of them exist in graffiti marks saying: "*******" "I'm so bored" and perhaps my favorite, "I must not tell lies"
*******. I think I'll always think that. Even sitting in this big blue chair I cannot escape you. The words remind me of your constant presence even though you're gone you're still here. Taking up space. I could make my own imprint and etch, "*******, still" but it wouldn't do justice. That's only part of our story and I don't want to confuse others because at one time I would have wrote: "Love you, always."
I'm so bored of the excuses the should haves could haves but if you would have I wouldn't have to listen To your mind jabber rolling off your tongue unfiltered prematurely being birthed to spoken word. I'll give you my two cents, thoughts that are born before they are developed obliterate and die a tragic death; escaping your fantasy.
I must not tell lies. Fine. scribble my truth- permanently etch itself into this big blue chair:
*******, still. Love you, Always. Think before you speak. I wish I could get over