Mentally I was down But then someone saw They saw me They saw my talent They saw something that I thought I had lost And once they saw I felt I felt loved I felt appreciated Sometimes it's hard to receive support when you feel like you're not at your best It's been a long journey A really looooong journey I've lost the most important and influential people in my life and I'm only so young They pushed me so far while they were here And sometimes I just have to realize my losses only makes me stronger My lost ones are in the sky looking down on me and watching my future While I think I'm stuck in this particular moment But they see greatness And I do to
I just want to send encouragement to those who are lost, to those who can't truly find there way. You know what you want to be, you know where you want to go. It takes time, never be discouraged and never loose hope. Love you all! Stay safe!