He hated open doors Less to hide behind, he felt And more for them to charge through, More to use...
Walking past the spotlight eyes He broke his sunglasses on the daily And the burning light of the dim bulbs lit the school Hurt.
Spaz They whispered But they might have shouted What feels like a whisper hurts like a knife When the names are for you
He walked home out of breath He never wanted to breathe again He saw how breaths had been used to hurt As much as punches.
And she hugged him
Carpet feels soft when you know the feet that tread it Mum What a feeling Coming out of the plunging terror.
Darling The sweetest word he knew More syllables, more mind behind what he was used to He ****** in the cherry hugs through his nostrils
And threw down his books.
She looked in at him enjoying Time spent away from that And smiled He will get through it
Closing the door quietly, She dried out a tear Moving a sleeve over her birth-marked face Which had earned her such identity.
Digging through a chest, Long ago she had named "Weapons" She pulled out her old school sword Hello, Courage. she said.
Next morning she gave her boy his lunch Of potions of strength and fortitude Made magic By her note telling him she loved him
Next morning she wrapped her boy In an armour raincoat Made iron by Her hug compressing it to metal
Next morning she filled his tender hand With her sword Made courage by Her own pain hammered into it
And she sent him back on his way.
As she watched him go Feigned eagerness in his step She could not hide his pain ahead, But she knew what came at the end;
Ah, it has a thousand names. But I shall call it Beauty; For when he slays those demons He shall know what he truly is.
And what they are.
He loved her For she's only ever been amazing And she liked herself For her strength forged in the fire.
The boy knew.
A poem about bullying and torturing, inspired by one of the most emotion-provoking videos I have ever seen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltun92DfnPY I hope you enjoy it.