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Sep 2015
I was going to leave you
But then I still gave you a chance
I still wanted to be with you
I just don't know if the thing you lack will enhance

I don't even know what you lack
Maybe it's just me
I just don't think you're going to be back
Maybe I'm too impatient because you didn't have enough time for me

I don't know
Am I going to leave you?
Talk to me so I'll know
I don't have a clue


Ahh, finally a word
A simple "hello" makes all doubts disappear
Now I can afford
To sleep in peace because of you, dear

You make me feel alive
You make me feel lonely
You give me hope to strive
You are my one and only
Oh yes~
Aww, I forgot the italics and bolds... but yeah XD
Written by
BIKE feat C  Philippines
       mickey finn, Mallow, R, ---, keaoss and 1 other
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