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Sep 2015
Oh Persephone you frighten me
Dark hair falling
Arms flailing
Hailing nothing
But the darkness you claim
The pain that maims
Your reason

Pushing the razor
Harder and deeper
Sliding it in and out of your skin
Like a credit card purchasing
Temporary relief
From your grief

You say that you are poisonous
But I say you have been poisoned
The virus is in the air
On the tv
On the streets
In some of the books
In strangers looks

In the aftermath
Heart break
Takes its’ place
Followed by apathy
Till there is nothing left

And though you never cut your chest
Your heart is still leaking
A subtle arrhythmia
Hade’s fingers
Crushing each ventricle
Squeezing just enough
To keep you alive
In agony
Written by
Graff1980  43/M/Springfield Illinois
(43/M/Springfield Illinois)   
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