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Sep 2015
Your structure is statuesque and when I look at you, my eyes cannot fathom your contradicting perfection
You fool yourself into thinking you are far more flawed than I
It is the honest man you are that I cleave to
It is the sensitivity you possess that makes me feel like I don’t have to escape from my past anymore
And it is your heart that is laced with gold
In you, I have found a friend
You say that you want to go far away and you can trust me when I say I won’t be a catalyst in your desires
I’d favor being the one that gets to be your last kiss goodbye
You are utterly artistic when you smile
When you laugh
When you make me
When you are low and when you are high
This feeling towards you is purity and flows through me
You are electricity
You are the blood running through my veins
And I am never sad
Catalina H Gonzalez
Written by
Catalina H Gonzalez  San Antonio, Texas
(San Antonio, Texas)   
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