You’re going to be fine. ? I am, see? . You will. I came to tell you stuff. Listening? . Jumble sale shoes. I know you’ve got acrylics somewhere. Paint them. ? The shoes. Flowers and dragons like you draw up your arms. They’re really good by the way. No one in school draws like you. . We are. You just have to be good-different. Stop hiding the whole time. Everyone loves your drawing. . We still like painting, reading… ? It’ll happen when you’re 11. The letters un-jumble and it makes sense. ! Honestly. . And at Christmas- tell Mum it’s your idea: Keeping him away from the ***** makes him cross- no point. Give him a drink as early as possible. By noon he’s unconscious and you put him to bed. Looks like he hit his head real hard but he woke up. ? It’s OK. He doesn’t remember a thing. Works every year. . Stuff heals. It gets better. Everything. Life is excellent. People say you’re pretty, won’t believe it but you are. And we live on a good street in a warm house by the sea. ! Honestly, cross my heart. . There’s one last thing. Listening? . Learn to laugh silently, no sound what so ever. I know you can’t imagine it- but she gets her revenge and it’s going to be funny. Takes years. You must play along or it won‘t work. So laugh silently. ? Just one example then: Do you go to the car-boot sales yet? . On a Sunday in June, only 7AM but it’s so hot! She spots a koi carp in the road. ? Like a giant goldfish. This one was huge. Probably dropped by a heron or something. . She moves it onto the verge and keeps walking. It's still there at 1.30. Been baking up on that verge all morning in full sun. Smothered in ants, horrible. . She wraps it in a Tesco bag and a bin liner- it stinks. As soon as you get in she starts frying onions, making pastry, white sauce. Dad eats fish pie for supper. ? She made us a separate one. .