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Aug 2015
"I don't want/miss/still love my ex
I'm a hundred percent sure of that.
It's the relationship I miss."

"Not the person?"

"Yeah. Not the person.
I miss the relationship part,
if that makes any sense.

It's the being there for each other,
the stories at the end of the day,
the comfort of their kisses,
the softness of their touch,
the sweetness in their voice
when they need your help
getting a can of vegetables
that's high up in the pantry."

"Not the person, right?"

Or, perhaps I do miss the person
and the memories,
and I'm just lying to myself
to make it hurt less."
My last break-up destroyed me.
        June 24, 2015 at 00:44
Ralph Albors
Written by
Ralph Albors  Puerto Rico
(Puerto Rico)   
       R, ---, Brenna Cline, mrs kite, MAYUR and 7 others
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