Come here closer my king ooohhhhh so dear, Let my tender lips touch you softly in the ear, Then I'll whisper my love to you so clear, With your heart leaping with mine in cheer.
Let my embrace speak my love with no fear, Be with each others warmth in an endless year, This love we'll make as an impregnable gear, That no one will ever ever make this tear.
As I kiss you so passionately and sincere, Our love carry us into the paradise we steer, A sweet aroma fill our hearts, we cohere, With an everlasting unfeigned love we celestially wear.
I made the title CELESTIAL LOVE, and BRANDON translate it for me and just PERFECT!! <3 <3
I just have hard time searching and putting those words together. Like seriously have not written any poem with rhymes like that for so long..
Just want to write that just before i'll study.. I will have my electrical engineering and theory of structure exam tomorrow which is a major major big MATHS for me (well the theory one is like the BIG TIME MATH for now). Just really need to study lots for this... Engineering just stressed me a lot, yet am still happy someone is continually supporting me. <3