I'm on the bathroom floor. Naked, shower water dripping off me. A black towel limp on my shoulders.
There is a hallow, pulling ache within my chest.
I feel a desperate loneliness. A longing for a friend, a comforter that I used to have. Part of me believes that he is a fiction of my imagination.
He used to be my best friend and lover. On empty, lonely nights like this one I could call to him. I could talk to him deeply. Like none other, He would wrap his arms around me and comfort me.
Now he is gone. I've shoved him out of my life.
I feel like he is a fairytale that I thought up as a child.
Now, that fairytale has disappeared. I'm facing the cold world on my own, unwilling to believe in that fairytale again, Yet so convinced it's the only way.