I wish I could see that last sparkle in your eyes Or the last smile that cross your face So I could keep it like a photograph and take it with me everywhere I will go I often wonder what your last thought was I like to think that maybe it was about the ocean and how it whispers to you telling you secrets when everything else is completely quiet and everyone has gone home Or maybe it's the last thing you learned or the last memory you made It could have been how you are going to miss the end of your favorite tv show or was it possibly me You know I never understood how the earth dares to keep moving when someone who meant so much to you leaves it How there are still the sounds of oceans and still things to be learned and new memories to make And how that same stupid tv show will still be broadcasting a new episode each week Like it never lost a very important viewer It mocks me in a way because I want the world to stop I want to stop for a chance to catch my breath Just for a second so I can tell my body you are never coming back but the world still spins on its axis remaining to be The one thing I wanted to give you But you're not here to take it