Thing is, I am a man of this modern world. The people of this time are aware we have lost the ways of opulent formality and style.
Thing is, We are confounded that because people expect us to simply be polite. It is such an offense that we created a new term to redefine it: political correctness. We don't really worry about the correctness part, but we think a lot about the political part.
Thing is, Politics and politeness are not synonymous. Though we could be polite when discussing our politics, we rarely are. It's no wonder, because we are deeply passionate about the rules that govern us.
Thing is, We should forget about being politically correct. We should be, instead, politely correct. No matter where we stand, we can treat each other with a niceness that I hope is not irretrievably lost to our more formal past.
Thing is, We lose a bit of our finess everytime we hold on to bitterness. Let go of fear. What do you have to lose?
I hope this poem speaks for itself. Please, let it do so. Do not buy, sell, trade or use to fundraise for this site or any other.