Conservative these days now means The richest are the few who glean The wealth that exists in our land. The rest of it is sleight of hand. After decades of this foolishness We have grown weary of your mess. We don’t think we can ever win This country back to from you again.
You seem to hate those who are non-rich And include them in every austerity pitch. You refuse to help them feed their brood Then pay the farmers not to grow food. You cover yourself with glowing self-praise; People starve, you grant yourself a raise. You stand before the rich and genuflect And subject your constituents to neglect.
You want every child to be born Then vote to have their allotment shorn. You seem to want them not to thrive; You only protect them until they are alive. You send the soldiers to march and die And deny them benefits. Tell us why. Is it because you have your wealth And no longer care about their health?
The most hateful game you always play Is making the voters look another way. While you make laws that take their rights You engage them in unimportant fights About who is sleeping with whom today And who is straight and who else is gay. Or you worry the people about war While you funnel subsidies by the score.
You pay your friends and give them jobs Then call your opponents egregious slobs. You engage in double-talk about the facts And claim calumnies are helpful acts. You accept your fortunes from commerce And agree to treat the populace worse. No matter how often you rearrange things You edits end up being very strange things.
We need to hear our own clarion call And push this kind of politics to the wall. We must do more than hope for liberty And once again fight for the land of the free. We can’t just sit around at home and mope. As it is, today, we can only sadly hope That some liberty you will choose to take Will cause the regular people to awake.