Every hour the clock passes I am shaken out of my delirium, sleeplessness... like a time machine landing in a different dark world with each opening of my eyes...I meet myself over and over til sunrise.
A baby crying... Twas right by my ear, I look around and hear only silence.
Where am I... Nowhere is familiar, no sense of home felt, it's scattered.
Pain... Physical, gut wrenching, pass out.
Tears... Deeper pain, the other gut wrench, sobbing uncontrollably, get a grip, just bury it into your pillow.
Emptiness... Something is missing, I am missing, I am missed.
Longing... That hole, so dark, I crave love, I must be delirious.
Turmoil... Synchrony, I am not alone, I must give my love to fill these dark spaces. The delirium is reality This is not how sunrises should feel.