Overindulgence can be habit forming. A **** with diction expounding addiction will provide rudimentary confliction. Therein lies the problem engraved on a needle thrown in a haystack.
A **** or addict can only shoot up in a barrel that smells of dead fish for so long before stagnant water leaves a residue and film that peels off quicker than a week long scab.
To search for clean cotton resembles digging through a trash can for ingredients to prepare a five course meal. Flatware covered in water spots are placed on a napkin that doesn't dare dab chapped lips.
Fork to the left, knife to the right, and bent spoon shoved in the back pants pocket.
If life is a box of chocolates, overindulgence is the empty box buried at the bottom of a trash can. Struggle becomes a wet glassine bag in an empty wallet. And death is a pair of silver bracelets. This is all about over-extending, because if one is enough, then two is too much.