The pain you brought me today was unfathomable It has been years since that feeling Buckets needed The rain outside mimics me Mimicked me And you broke my heart And I wasn't only sad about you But also about me How could I have let my feelings get this way I felt like I needed you I built stories and pictures in my head Although it wasn't only me It was all the confidence around me The reassurance by loved ones That biasedly gave me hope False inaccurate tales I see you walking at school And I quickly have to make sure that I don't burst Make a greater fool of myself Because you Only you Have ever made me feel this way So stupid So dumb So needy Never have I felt so great a feeling A feeling that not even the deepest darkest dwellings of that of the ocean can comprehend I wanted you I tried for you You knew You know And I didn't get you So now I just walk the halls Struck by glances of you Hate Hurt Desire All feelings that overwhelm me And then I feel like crying Because I feel like this And you'll never know to what extent And I'll never tell you Or at least I think I won't
You see the reason things couldn't and haven't worked is because you are waiting for me to do something And I've already let you know my feelings so like the little girl I am I wait for you to do something For you to be the man Take control Allow something Something great to happen
I cried today Stupid I know But even though There is still a tiny bit of hope So so so small It's there For now I'll mask my feelings Not let my friends know Because maybe Just maybe That's how I'll get over you
Even though that's not what I intend I still want you Crave you Desire you In everyway Not bc I'm gross But bc I'm human And you are the first person who has thus far incapsulated my brain in such a way Made me want to know you on a deeper level And why you? WHY YOU How did you do this to me How did I do this to myself *** Now I'm confused When did I let myself begin Liking you?
Of all people I have no idea But all I know That for the time being you are the only person I want And even though Day by day you walk past me in the corridors I still hold on To that tiny thread of hope That has been woven beneath my sleeve