I have made many mistakes From the moment I was born I have made many mistakes. For my soul has taken a body with a weak heart and terrible lungs, and yet yearns to live and fight for life. I have definitely made a mistake*
I have made many mistakes From the moment my mind formed, I have made a mistake. For my heart has loved science and medicine And yet my ears have attuned to music and hands to play on strings. I become torn between two beautiful things. i have definitely made a mistake
I have made a mistake From the moment I started learning, I made a mistake. For every moment I existed in the hallways, I was broken. For the other children ridiculed and laughed at me for being a strange and odd being. From 4'5 to 5'11, I regretted living I have made a mistake
But you.. You saw my mistakes as a blessing when I was too blind to see what they should be to me. You made my mistakes a good part of me. You made my mistakes a blessing.
I have made a mistake For I have seen them as mistake *that was my biggest mistake