The sparkle in your eye, steals my heart immediately. I find myself in front of you, Speaking without thinking. Words flowing, you laugh.
This is when I think your heart was stolen by me.
Love is curious, I'm warm. Saturated in this hot and heavy mysterious wonder. You watch my lips, following with no break. Captivated by my innocent views. Of a world that we don't live in, a perfect world. Were we all were actually happy.
This is not reality. My love, walked me out into the night holds me close, piercing me with truth. Innocence spills from my chest, soaking the concrete.
The empty space inside, filling with the product of love. HATE. The world, peaceful, full of dreams, shattered into pieces I could not pick up. Nightmares invade my eyes. Only its now that I see, its no fantasy, just painful and real.