I have my aim But I'm scared to death I will miss I have you now But will tomorrow hold that certainty You realized the crap out of me But you still chose to empty my gun of its bullets The trigger is yours to pull But you decided to pull me closer
Haven't they told you to stay away from me? I guess what you heard was “Save the sinner.” I was not made for anyone to love but you did These hands were not made to hold but I learned to grip To hold on and now I’m letting go
Once I'm gone, will you write about me Will you write about our almosts Our firsts and especially our lasts Maybe if you do, my heart will rest in peace Knowing I have left fingerprints in between your ribs Yours are in every bit of my being
How can this world be that cruel Use all its forces to put something together so perfect and use up all that is left to claw it all down to grains I know this because I see them slipping in between my fingers I will never understand I thought I understood it That I could grasp it But I didn't, not really These are words I wish that I could etch upon my skin But unfortunately, I already know that I would just run out of space
I want to destroy everything we've built and drown in its ruins Inhale what is left and keep it inside my chest My burnt lungs will hold your words I will look at our mistakes, our undoing Our slow submersion in everything we hoped we’d see stay Maybe then I will see something beautiful in death We lost We did, right?
I am so sorry, M. But let us hold on to "This love will wait." hm?