I am dead Dead to the world Comfort and unconsciousness, chains to the nether But soon the savior comes Resurrection is at hand Classes, like Mary, beckon the savior's call Morning is his cue But I am dead Dead to the world The sun makes his debut But I slap my savior on the snooze Chains to the nether hold me tight Mary pleads with the savior, "The sun has passed his cue!" Shrieking, my savior calls to me, Shriek! Lazarus! Come Forth! Shriek! I am pulled back from the nether Shriek! The breath of life enters me Chains of unconsciousness are cut Comfort won't let go I must find the will to live Throw back the cover of my coffin My grave clothes I'm still I struggle toward the sepulcher door Let the stone be rolled away! Breathe deep the breath of life Shower off the dead smell I leave smelling if fine grave spices Glance at my watch Pick up my pace But it's too late I'm still dead.
I awoke early one morning with a simple phrase rolling over in my head. . . I slap my savior on the snooze. I built this around it.